Eschaton - Here are some select
eschatology verses, starting with verses from the Septuagint that
contain the word eschaton.
Genesis 49:1-2
CAB1 And
Jacob called his sons, and said to them, 2 Assemble
yourselves, that I may tell you what shall happen to you in the
last days. Gather yourselves together, and hear
me, sons of Jacob; hear Israel, hear your father.
Deuteronomy 4:30-32 ('final' here is 'eschaton' in the LXX
ECB30 - when
you are in tribulation and all these words find you - even in the
final days, if you turn to Yah Veh your Elohim and
hearken to his voice; YAH VEH, A MERCIFUL
Yah Veh your Elohim is a merciful El; he neither lets you loose nor
ruins you, nor forgets the covenant of your fathers which he oathed
to them. 32 For
ask, I beseech, of the first days at your face, since the day
Elohim created humanity on the earth, from the end of the heavens
to the end of the heavens, whether there has been such as this
great word, or has been heard the like?
Deuteronomy 32:20
Brenton 20 and
said, I will turn away my face from them, and will show what shall
happen to them in the last days; for it is a
perverse generation, sons in whom is no faith.
Joshua 24:27
Brenton27 And
Joshua said to the people, Behold, this stone shall be among you
for a witness, for it has heard all the words that have been spoken
to it by the Lord; for he has spoken to you this day; and
this stone shall be among you for a witness in
the last days, whenever ye shall deal falsely with
the Lord my God.
Brenton 2 For in the
last days the mountain of the Lord shall be
glorious, and the house of God shall be on the
top of the mountains, and it shall be exalted above the hills; and
all nations shall come to it.
Isaiah 46:10
Brenton 10 telling
beforehand the latter events before they come to
pass, and they are accomplished together: and I said, all my
counsel shall stand, and I will do all things that I have
Jeremiah 23:20
Thomson 20 and
from the purpose of his heart the wrath of the Lord will not turn
away; until it hath executed it; and until he hath established it.
In the last of these days they shall perceive
Brenton 16 And
thou shalt come up upon my people Israel as a cloud to cover the
land; it shall come to pass in the last days, that
I will bring thee up upon my land, that all the nations may know
me, when I am sanctified in thee before them.
Daniel 10:14
Thomson 14 and am
come to teach thee what will befal thy people in the
last days. Because this vision is for days to
Hosea 3:5
Brenton5 And
afterward shall the children of Israel return, and shall seek the
Lord their God, and David their king; and shall be amazed at the
Lord and at his goodness in the latter
Micah 4:1 (Mountains and
hills are often spiritual meeting places or spiritual
Brenton 1 And at the
last days the mountain of the Lord shall be
manifest, established on the tops of the mountains, and it shall be
exalted above the hills; and the peoples shall hasten to it.
(John12:32 And when I am exalted out
of the land I shall be drawing all to myself.)
New covenant exceeds the old
Haggai 2:9
Brenton 9
(2:10) For the glory of this house shall be great, the
latter more than the former, saith the Lord
Almighty: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord
Almighty, even peace of soul for a possession to every one that
builds, to raise up this temple. (1 Corinthians
3:9-11 ECB 9 For
we are co-workers with Elohim: - the cultivation of Elohim - the
edifice of Elohim. 10 According
to the charism Elohim gives me, as a wise architect, I place the
foundation, and another builds: and each sees how he
builds. 11 For
no one can place another foundation than the one laid - Yah Shua
first century, old humanity holdouts, who did not recieve the Holy
Spirit, created a generation for more evil spirits to
Matthew 12:45
LITV 45 Then he
goes and takes with him seven other spirits more evil than himself,
and entering dwells there. And the last things of that man become
worse than the first. So it will be also to this evil
Matthew 19:30
LITV 30 But many
first ones shall be last, and last ones first.
Matthew 20:16
LITV 16 So the
last shall be first, and the first last; for many are called, but
few chosen.
Matthew 27:64
LITV 64 Therefore,
command that the grave be secured until the third day, that his
disciples may not come by night and steal him away, and may say to
the people, He is raised from the dead. And the last deception will
be worse than the first.
Mark 9:35
LITV 35 And sitting,
He called the Twelve and said to them, If anyone desires to be
first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.
John 6:39
LITV 39 And this is
the will of the Father sending Me, that of all that He has given
Me, I shall not lose any of it, but shall raise it up in the last
John 6:44-45
LITV 44 No one is
able to come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him, and I
will raise him up in the last day. 45 It has
been written in the Prophets, They "shall" all "be taught of God."
So then everyone who hears and learns from the Father comes to Me;
Isa. 54:13
John 6:54
LITV 54 The one
partaking of My flesh and drinking of My blood has everlasting
life, and I will raise him up at the last day.
John 7:37
LITV 37 And in the
last day of the great feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, If
anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink.
John 11:24
LITV 24 Martha said
to Him, I know that he will rise again in the resurrection in the
last day.
John 12:48
LITV 48 The one who
rejects Me and does not receive My words has that judging him: the
Word which I spoke, that will judge him in the last
'till the eschaton of
the land' is here translated, 'to the finality of the
ECB 8 but you take
dynamis, at the coming of the Holy Spirit upon you; and you become
my witnesses - both in Yeru Shalem and in all Yah Hudah and in
Shomeron and to the finality of the earth.
Acts 2:17
ECB 17 And it
becomes, in the final days, words Elohim, I pour of my Spirit on
all flesh: and your sons and your daughters prophesy, and your
youths see visions, and your elders dream dreams:
'till the eschaton of
the land' is here again translated, 'to the finality of the
Acts 13:47
ECB 47 for thus Yah
Veh misvahed us: I place you, a light of the goyim, to be to
salvation to the finality of the earth.
1 Corinthians 15:45
ALT 45 In
the same way also it has been written, "The first man Adam became a
living soul." The last Adam [became] for a life-giving
spirit. [Genesis 2:7]
Those who tried to keep the old human rejected the Word
of God that created him. They loved the creation more than the
2 Timothy3:1-2
ECB 1 Know this
also that in the final days furious seasons are
present. 2 For there
becomes humanity befriending self, befriending silver, braggarts,
proud, blasphemers, distrusting to parents, uneucharistic,
The new human is the
creator. Love Him all you want.
Hebrews 1:2
ECB 2 and in these
final days speaks to us in Son: whom he placed heir of all; through
whom also he made the eons:
James 5:3 (Jacob to the twelve)
CLV 3Your
gold and silver corrode and their venom will be for a testimony
against you, and the venom will be eating your flesh as fire. You
hoard in the last days.
1 Peter 1:5 (Peter to believers)
CLV 5 who are
garrisoned by the power of God, through faith, for salvation ready
to be revealed in the last era,
1 Peter 1:20 (Peter to the dispersion)
ECB20 who
indeed was foreknown ere the foundation of the cosmos, and manifest
in these final times in your behalf;
2 Peter 2:20
ECB 20 For if,
having escaped the defilements of the cosmos through the knowledge
of Adonay and Saviour Yah Shua Messiah, and entangled again by
these and belittled, their finality becomes worse than at
2 Peter 3:3
CLV 3 knowing
this first, that in the last days scoffers will be coming with
scoffing, going according to their own desires
Jewish antimessiah sentiment sprang up toward the end
of their old age. Of course antichrists didn't even exist prior to
their first century Jesus the Messiah event. Antimessiah
appearances then signaled the ending of their old age and the
consummation of their new age.
1 John 2:18
ECB 18Little children, it is the final
hour: and exactly as you heard that the antimessiah comes, even now
there are antimessiahs; whereby we know it is the final
Jude 1:18
CLV 18 that they said
to you, In the last time will be coming scoffers, going according
to their own irreverent desires.
Revelation 1:17
CLV 17 And when
I perceived Him, I fall at His feet as dead. And He places His
right hand on me, saying, "Do not fear! I am the First and the
First and last
Revelation 2:8
CLV 8 And to the
messenger of the ecclesia in Smyrna write: `Now, this He is saying
Who is the First and the Last, Who became dead, and
Origin and Consummation
Revelation 22:13
CLV 13 I
am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Origin and
the Consummation.
Concerning the Churches - Root and Offspring of
Revelation 22:16
ALT 16 "I,
Jesus, sent My angel to testify to you(p) [or, tell you(p)
about] these [things] concerning the
assemblies. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, the
Bright, Morning Star!"
The two loaves of Pentecost
may represent the Jewish human body and the non Jewish body of
Gentiles. It was the Jewish mission to lift up the nations. Jesus
was raised to be the perfected Adam in the old covenant Jewish
body. He was put to death as unleavened because He laid down His
soul; He got rid of the old yeast. He then rose to be the perfect
man in a new covenant. Jesus was then firstfruit barley malt yeast
that gave rise to the firstfruit of the wheat harvest. The two
alienated-by-law corporate bodies met together in the one new man;
the old covenant human Jew and the animal kingdom Gentile now make
up the one new risen loaf, which was raised to be wed to Yeshua.
The Holy Spirit went to the Jew first and then to the
Ephesians 2:14-15
LITV 14 For He
is our peace, He making us both one, and breaking down the middle
wall of partition, 15 in His
flesh causing to cease the enmity, the Law of the commandments in
decrees, that He might in Himself create the two into one new man,
making peace,
Ephesians 3:6
LITV 6 for
the nations to be joint-heirs, and a joint-body and joint-sharers
of His promise in Christ through the gospel,
The purpose of the eons was to reveal God through the
one body.
Ephesians 3:10-11
ALT 10 so that
the many-sided [or, manifold] wisdom of God should be
revealed now through the Assembly to the principalities and the
authorities in the heavenlies [or,
heavenly [realms]], 11 according
to [the] purpose [or, plan] of the ages, which
He made in Christ Jesus our Lord,
The Jews did not grasp their purpose until they
recieved the Spirit at Pentecost
Ephesians 3:5
ECB5 which
in other generations was not known to the sons of humanity, as it
is now unveiled to his holy apostles and prophets in
Ephesians 4
ECB 1 So
I, the prisoner in Adonay, beseech you to walk worthily of the
calling wherewith you are called, 2 with all humblemindedness and meekness,
with patience, tolerating one another in
love; 3 diligent to guard the unity of the Spirit
in the bond of shalom: 4 - one body and one Spirit, even exactly as
you are called in one hope of your calling;
5 - one Adonay, one trust, one
baptism, 6 one Elohim and Father of all, who is above
all and through all and in you all.
is given to each one of us according to the measure of the gratuity
of the Messiah. 8 So he
words, Having ascended on high, he captured the captives and gave
gifts to humanity. Psalm 68:18 9 Now that he
ascended, what is it except that he also first descended into the
substrata parts of the earth? 10 He
who descended is the same who also ascended far above all the
heavens to fulfill/shalam all. THE FOURFOLD
indeed, he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some,
evangelists; and some, shepherds and doctors; 12 for the
perfecting of the holy - to the work of the ministry - to the
edifying of the body of the Messiah: 13 until we
all attain to the unity of the trust and the knowledge of the Son
of Elohim to a man of shalom; to the measure of the maturity of the
fulness/shalom of the Messiah: 14 that
we no longer be babies surging and carried about with every wind of
doctrine in the dice of men and in cunning with their methods of
seduction; 15 but being
true in love, grow up in him in all, who is the head, the
Messiah: 16 from whom
the whole body co-joined and coalesced through what every joint
contributes, according to the energizing in the measure of each
single part, makes growth of the body to edify itself in
LIFE 17 So I word
this, and witness in Adonay, to no longer walk exactly as the rest
of the goyim in the vanity of their mind; 18 darkened
in mind - alienated from the life of Elohim through the
unknowingness in them through the petrifaction of their
heart: 19 who being
apathetic surrender themselves to lechery; working all impurity in
avarice. THE HOLY
LIFE 20 And you
learned not the Messiah thus; 21 if
indeed you hear him and being doctrinated in him exactly as the
truth is in Yah Shua: 22 that
concerning your previous behavior you put off the old humanity,
which according to the pantings of delusion is
corrupt; 23 and renew
the spirit of your mind; 24 and endue
the new humanity as to Elohim - created in justness and true
mercy. 25 So put
away lying - each speaking truth with your neighbour: for we are
members of one another. ADMONITIONS TO THE
HOLY 26 Be wroth
and sin not: neither have the sun go down upon your
rage: 27 nor give
place to Diabolos. 28 Whoever
stole, steal no more: but rather labor, working good with the
hands, so as to impart to him who needs. 29 Have no
putrefied word proceed from your mouth; but if there be any good to
the edifying of what is needed that it give charism to the
hearers. 30 And
sorrow not the holy Spirit of Elohim, in whom you are sealed to the
day of redemption. 31 Take from
you all bitterness and fury and anger and crying out and blasphemy
with all malice: 32 and be
kind one to another, tenderspleened, granting charism to
yourselves, even exactly as Elohim in Messiah grants you
The messiah is the savior of the one and only
1 Corinthians 10:17
LITV 17 Because
we, the many, are one bread, one body, for we all partake of the
one bread.
Ephesians 5:22-33
ECB 22 Women,
subjugate yourselves to your own men as to Adonay. 23 For the
man is the head of the woman, exactly as the Messiah is the head of
the ecclesia; and he is the saviour of the body: 24 Rather,
exactly as the ecclesia subjugates to the Messiah, even thus the
women to their own men in all. 25 Men,
love your women, even exactly as the Messiah also loved the
ecclesia and surrendered himself for it; 26 to hallow
and purify it with the bathing of water in the
rhema, 27 to
present to himself a glorious ecclesia - not having stain or
wrinkle or any such; but that it be holy and
unblemished. 28 Thus the
men are indebted to love their women as their own bodies. Whoever
loves his woman loves himself. 29 For
no one ever yet hates his own flesh; but nurtures and cherishes it,
even exactly as Adonay the ecclesia: 30 for we
are members of his body - of his flesh and of his
bones. 31 For this
cause a human leaves his father and mother and adheres to his
woman; and the two become into one flesh. 32 This is a
mega mystery: but I word as to Messiah and the
ecclesia. 33 Moreover
- each of you - one by one thus love his woman even as himself; and
the woman see that she awes her man.
The one and only day: Stop counting at seven. This
sanctified day has a name. The goal was reached. He is our sabbath
Romans 13:12
LITV 12 The night
is far gone, and the day has drawn near; then let us cast off the
works of darkness, and let us put on the weapons of the
The sabbath began in
the dark,
right as the sixth day
was ending. It reached it's fulfillment in the full light of the
seventh day. Yeshua is the Master of the neverending sabbath; the
resurrection, betrothal and marriage sabbath.
Titus 3:5
LITV 5 not by works
in righteousness which we had done, but according to His mercy, He
saved us through the washing of regeneration and renewal of the
Holy Spirit,
Galatians 2:21
LITV 21 I do not
set aside the grace of God; for if righteousness is through law,
then Christ died without cause.
Biblically He is called master
of the Hebrew sabbath not master of the first day of the Jewish
work week. He mastered all their days so we could enter His sabbath
The Beetles and the
Romans tried eight days in the week. It didn't catch on. As another
one of your poets has said,
"I'm not a
number Dammit I'm a man I said I'm a man"
Haggai 2:9 (The image of God in man stood in the latter
ECB 9 So be the
honor of this latter house - greater than the former - an oracle of
Yah Veh Sabaoth and in this place I give shalom, says Yah Veh
Genesis 2:1 (The type should correspond with the
ECB 1 And the
heavens and the earth and all their host are
finished. DAY SEVEN
Leviticus 23:16-17 (This is the Greek version
translated into English. Something may be lost in
Brenton 16 until
the morrow after the last week ye shall
number fifty days, and shall bring a new meat-offering to the
Lord. 17 Ye
shall bring from your dwelling loaves, as a heave-offering, two
loaves: they shall be of two tenth portions of fine flour, they
shall be baked with leaven of the first-fruits to the Lord. (The
new leaven came from the firstfruit barley malt which started with
Jesus' resurrection. Yeast has been termed, 'the soul of the
23:16 translates "unto
the morrow of the seventh sabbath" from the Hebrew
version. Tomorrow is the day after today to
us. Tomorning was the same day to
them. Offerings were of course made on the
seventh day morning, as well as other days. Fifty days after the
resurrection, Pentecost became the covenant transition feast for
the twelve tribes. As they drank the wine and ate the leavened
bread they were born again by the Holy Spirit. The fire represented
the presence of God and the wind represented the new breath from
heaven. The breath was from the new covenant man who has a life
giving spirit. OT fire also represents purified
Leviticus 23:16
YLT 16 unto the
morrow of the seventh sabbath ye do number fifty days, and ye have
brought near a new present to Jehovah;