The Jubilee year begins in the seventh Hebrew month of the year. It then overlaps six months into the first year of the next count to fifty. This would have been how Noah counted years. Since the fiftieth year is a 'Noah year', it is interwoven half in the fortyninth and half into the first year. It does not interfere with the sabbath cycles. The fulfillment Jubilee left the land before it could be affiliated with the typical re-count.
The image of Yahwey in Adam was set free from the soilish by Yeshua. We don't have to return to the garden of Eden or to the city of Jerusalem to live in God's presence. God dwells with His people Spirit to spirit now. Anyone from any of the nations can be cultivated in God's image in any location. God's spirit remains on and communes personally within His people now. The new temple of the Holy Spirit is the born again people of all nations.
Jesus earned back what was lost: the Holy Spirit presence; it remained on Him alone. And He did it under law. After three and a half years of service in the presence of Yahwey, He was crucified as the old covenant kinsman redeemer. Then His reborn relatives enjoyed the presence of Yahwey that older brother Adam had lost. As the worthy younger brother, Jesus paid up their debt three and a half years before the final Jubilee.
Then Stephen was murdered and the church was scattered. The land of types rejected the presence of God. The twelve tribes were not living in the promised land of Canaan at that time, so the final Jubilee was not a soilish and typical fulfillment. The twelve tribes did not return to cultivate their allotted farmlands in Caanan. They stayed in their foreign nations to cultivate people. So in a very real way all the land did return to it's original owner for cultivation. That was the original great commission given to Adam.
The new land is the bride of Eschaton Adam. She was formed from the very nations first Adam could not find a suitable bride from. She was formed from all 24 ribs of Adam. While last Adam was in a deep sleep on the cross the twelve apostles and the twelve tribes were being redeemed from their debts to the law of the land. They then carried the heart of Yeshua to the nations to form the new bride. Their was a seperation between believer and unbeliever rather than between nations. The new assembly is all for real rather than by DNA or location. There is no faithful remnant in the body of Christ.
The Locals Were Being Scattered
Just as
one was born a descendent of Adam in the old humanity one is born
of Christ to be in the new humanity. A proselyte Jew was typically
considered born again even during the time of their old
KJV Usage: accomplish, X after, (be) complete, end, expire, fill (up), fulfil, (be, make) full (come), fully preach, perfect, supply.
Peter wasn't depraved of Yahwey's word. But his feet were still soilish. Gentiles without the word of God almighty were considered entirely unclean. They still needed to be formed up out of the dust of the earth. First is the forming then the filling. The diaspora took the human image to the nations to prepare them for the Holy Spirit. Those who rejected the Holy Spirit drove the Holy Spirit Jews out of Jerusalem to join the diaspora.
after rebirth Peter's feet were still soilish. And other reborn
Jews joined Peter in his hypocricy. Jesus fulfilled the