This was puzzling to me: why does Mark 16:9 specify 'the first sabbath' following so closely after Mark 16:2 that had just generally called resurrection day 'one of the sabbaths'? Evidently 'one of the sabbaths' was some kind of first century veiled reference to the uncounted sabbath in the seven sabbath (really eight sabbath ) count toward The Feast Of Weeks. I can't tell you which one it is without breaking protocol by counting it. So when I say, "one of the sabbaths" you just know which one I am talking about. It's the only one I can't specify because it is supposed to remain uncounted.
Some people are saying these two phrases: 'the first sabbath' and 'one of the sabbaths' are idioms that really mean, 'first day of the week' and are anything but a sabbath. This is very tricky to me. Neither the word for day nor the word for week is in any of these eight verses. In fact the word for first is only in Mark 16:9.
So now what do I do with Luke 6:1 when it specifies, 'the second-first sabbath'? Is this really an idiomatic reference to a second Sunday? On this specific day the Pharisees were being bothered by the disciples who were eating the grain from the field. Eating was usually allowed on a sabbath unless it was the firstfruits before the offering was given, which was done first thing in the morning. It was the preparation of food that was not allowed on a sabbath. The Pharisees asked, "Why do you do what is not allowed on the sabbaths?" They saw the disciples seperating the grain by rubbing them in their hands before eating them. The legalists were watching closely. Yeshua covers both aspects. He first asks them if they had even read of David's men who entered the house of Yahwey then ate what belonged to the priests and were still innocent. Secondly, Yeshua tells them He is the master of the sabbath not them. Yeshua's disciples were certainly more privilaged than David's men.
According to the Apostolic Bible (APB), the very first sabbath of this festival season was called the 'great one'. The sabbath called the 'great one' is the first day of Unleavened Bread. Yeshua was placed in the tomb near twilight, right before this great day began. The first day of Unleavened Bread is called a special sabbath no matter what day of the week it falls on. The second-first sabbath is therefore the First Weekly Sabbath, when Yeshua was resurrected. It is the first of the eight in the chart at the top of this page.
Luke 6:1 ABP And it came to pass on the sabbath that followed the great one... (Apostolic Bible Polygot)
Luke 6:1 YLT And it came to pass, on the second-first sabbath... (Young's Literal Translation)
Therefore: the second-first sabbath is the sabbath that followed the great one.
The APB translation of Luke 6:1 follows the tradition of not using the word 'first', in order to avoid counting the unending sabbath day.
The Greek version of Leviticus 23:6-11 uses the word 'first' for the two different first sabbaths. The Septuigint was the common first century Greek bible most often quoted by the writers of post resurrection script, who also completed the bible in the Greek language (either that or the Masorites have changed the existing Hebrew manuscripts so much that it appears that way). The two uses of the word 'first' are for the first day of the Unleavened bread count and for the first day in the count to Pentecost. It was either last year's wheat grain or this year's barley grain they were eating without leaven. Unleavened bread begins the barley harvest. They were preparing for the new wheat harvest that begins at Pentecost. By removing all leaven from their houses they were symbolically cleansing the land. The new leaven for the new wheat was arriving on the barley grain. By the time the wheat harvest arrives they will have barley malt to get new yeast from. Today the ostensible Jews sell all their leaven to someone they know so they can buy it back when the holiday is over. This kinda subverts the whole point when they keep their old leaven.
Matthew 16:11-12 ALT 11 "How do you(p) not understand that [it was] not concerning bread I said to you(p) to be guarding against the leaven [or, yeast] of the Pharisees and Sadducees?" 12 Then they understood that He did not say to be guarding against the leaven [or, yeast] of the bread, but against the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees.
Brenton's Septuigint Leviticus (Great sabbath; first day in the count to seven)
23:6-8 And on the fifteenth day of this month is the feast of unleavened bread to the Lord; seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread. 7 And the first day shall be a holy convocation to you: ye shall do no servile work. 8 And ye shall offer whole-burnt-offerings to the Lord seven days; and the seventh day shall be a holy convocation to you: ye shall do no servile work.
(Weekly sabbath; first day in the count
to seven-sevens) |
23:9-11 And the Lord spoke to Moses,
saying,10 Speak to the
children of Israel, and thou shalt say to them, When ye shall enter
into the land which I give you, and reap the harvest of it, then
shall ye bring a sheaf, the first-fruits of your harvest, to the
priest; 23:11 and he shall lift up the sheaf before the
Lord, to be accepted for you. On the morrow of the first day the priest shall lift it up.
KJV Leviticus
Notice the major one day difference between Brenton's and KJV's renderings of Leviticus 23:11. Brenton's is the morrow of the first day and KJV's is the morrow after the sabbath. The word 'after' is not in the Hebrew or the Greek text. It is unfortunately added to most modern translations. It should be translated, 'the morrow of the sabbath' which would then line up with, 'the morrow of the first day'; that is the morning of the first weekly sabbath not the great sabbath of passover. The first weekly sabbath is first fruits, which is the first day in the count to 50, which is the second-first sabbath of Luke 6:1, which is not the first day of the week. The great sabbath is the first day in the count to 7 days of unleavened bread. Leviticus 23:15-16
Exodus 13:6-9 ECB 6 seven days you eat matsah and the seventh day is a celebration to Yah Veh: 7 eat matsah seven days: yes, neither is fermentation seen with you nor yeast seen with you in all your borders. 8 And tell your son in that day, saying, Because of what Yah Veh worked to me in going from Misrayim. 9 - and it becomes a sign for you on your hand and for a memorial between your eyes, that the torah of Yah Veh is in your mouth: for with a strong hand Yah Veh brings you from Misrayim. On the third day Jesus was raised while it was still dark but the priests didn't make the weekly sabbath offering till the light of the day appeared. The two root words of morrow mean, 'on or upon' and 'the fresh or morning breeze'. The offerings didn't begin until the sun rose into the light of day. The Hebrew day actually began in the dark 12 hours earlier. Jesus was the only begotten of God until Pentecost. He was the first born of Mary who died as the Passover Lamb of God. He was resurrected during the barley harvest to the first day of the 50 day count toward Pentecost. He also became the first one to be born again by his Father. He would send the Holy Spirit to bring his new birth to the wheat harvest. The new life for the wheat harvest was symbolically in the new leaven. When the wheat harvest arrived they would have to get their new yeast from the barley malt because the old yeast was all removed from the land. Yeast fills the bread with air to make the bread rise. Deuteronomy 16:3-4 YLT 3 `Thou dost not eat with it any fermented thing, seven days thou dost eat with it unleavened things, bread of affliction; for in haste thou hast come out of the land of Egypt; so that thou dost remember the day of thy coming out of the land of Egypt all days of thy life; 4 and there is not seen with thee leaven in all thy border seven days, and there doth not remain of the flesh which thou dost sacrifice at evening on the first day till morning. (Jesus was in the tomb before the morning of Unleavened Bread.) |
The first sabbath that follows the first day of Unleavened Bread is the weekly sabbath that starts the count to Pentecost, which is also called the second-first sabbath. Jesus becomes the second firstborn covenant man on this day; the only begotten of God was born again to be firstborn of the new covenant. The last became first.
1Corinthians 15:20 LITV But now Christ has been raised from the dead; He became the firstfruit of those having fallen asleep.
By the way, when Matthew and Mark tell of this same confrontation (Luke 6:1) with the Pharisees they only say that Jesus went through the grainfields at that season on the sabbaths (plural) and do not specify that it was the 'second-first' sabbath as Doctor Luke does:
Matthew 12:1 CLV At that season Jesus went through the sowings on the sabbaths. Now His disciples hunger, and they begin to be plucking the ears and to be eating."
Mark 2:23 LITV And it happened, He went along through the grain fields in the sabbaths. And His disciples began to make way, plucking the heads of grain.
Now if 'one of the sabbaths' and 'first sabbath' and 'second-first sabbath' and 'sabbath that followed the great one', somehow all mean Sunday, then what does it mean to simply say, "sabbaths" in the two verses above? Can 'sabbaths' in general really be made to mean every day of the week including the seventh day? So if first sabbath is Sunday then second sabbath must be Monday and then the third sabbath must be Tuesday. Can there be a more tortuous exegesis? If they wanted to denote what day of the week the special sabbath was on they could say, "the Great Sabbath is on the fifth day of the week this year". I do believe 'one of the sabbaths' refers to one of the eight weekly sabbaths in the fifty day count to Pentecost. At least two verses tell us which one of the sabbaths. Both Mark 16:9 and Luke 6:1 tell us which sabbath of the eight they are referring to: the first sabbath in Mark is more specifically called the second-first sabbath in Luke; both of which refer to the resurrection sabbath. First century Jewish readers knew exactly what sabbath they meant. Evidently the writers of the Apostolic Bible did too.
So, why are the so called idiomatic expressions for Sunday as 'one of the sabbaths' or 'the first sabbath' or 'the second-first sabbath', only found in the Bible after Malachi? And why is there no historical evidence of such an absurd idea until after Yeshua the messiah is resurrected on 'one of the sabbaths' more specifically called 'the first sabbath' and even more specifically called 'the second-first sabbath'?
John 19:31 ALT Therefore, the Jews, so that the bodies should not remain on the cross on the Sabbath, since it was the preparation [day] (for the day of that Sabbath was a great [one]), asked Pilate that their legs be broken and they be taken away.
Yeshua was burried right before the Great Sabbath started and resurrected as the new covenant man on the first weekly sabbath. He finished the work of the sixth prophetic day by completing the image of Yahwey in the eschaton Adam. The new covenant doesn't then start over at prophetic day one. Yeshua carried His nation forward into His completed work. He is Lord of the sabbath.
Colossians 2:16-17 Therefore
let no one judge you in food or in drink or in the particulars of a
festival, or of a new moon, or sabbaths, which are a shadow of
the things which are about to be, but now the body is of the
annointed (an epethet of Yeshua indicating He was the messiah; the
promised deliverer of the Jewish nation [body] prophesied in the
Hebrew Bible).
Luke 4:16-19 ECB 16 And he goes to Nazareth where he was nurtured: and as his custom, he enters the synagogue on the day of the shabbaths and rises to read: 17 and he is given the scroll of the prophet Yesha Yah: and he unfurls the scroll, and finds the place where it is scribed, 18 Spirit of Yah Veh is upon me, because he anoints me to evangelize the poor; he apostolizes me to heal the crushed in heart; to preach forgiveness to the captives and sight to the blind; to apostolize the crushed in forgiveness; 19 to preach the acceptable year of Yah Veh. Isaiah 61:1, 2
The day of the shabbaths is also a reference to the uncounted first sabbath in the octave of sabbaths. If we would just go back to Genesis instead of Constantine we would have no doubts as to which day of the Hebrew week these sabbaths were on. The day of the sabbaths (plural) is translated as the sabbath day (singular) in most of our English translations. Otherwise it would naturally be associated with "one of the sabbaths" in the seven sabbath count toward Pentecost. The uncounted sabbath was usually referenced generically as "one of the sabbaths" since it was not to be counted until the 49th day became 50 and entered into the never-ending (hence never-counted) first sabbath.
Pentecost represents the recieving of the proposal to become a great nation. It is the betrothal part of the covenant. Pentecost was 50 days after the resurrection; Jesus was 40 days in the new land and ten days with the father before sending the Holy Spirit to betroth his seated people by writing the law of Christ on their minds. In reverse order, the new covenant 'law' is being written on their hearts by the Holy Spirit before they are driven out of the land by the old covenant 'law keepers'. And the new covenant man remains in perfect standing with the Father and able to lift the bride into his image. Unlike Moses, Yeshua goes on ahead into the promised land to graciously prepare a place for his soon to be standing bride to enter. She was not stood up after she was stood up. That nonsensical sentence is the result of our belief that Jesus did not marry the church after he betrothed her.
Jeremiah 31:31 CLV 31 Lo, days are coming, an affirmation of Yahweh, And I have made with the house of Israel And with the house of Judah a new covenant,
Hebrews 10:8-10 8 Further up, when saying that "Sacrifice and approach present and ascent approaches and those concerning sin Thou dost not will, neither dost Thou delight in them (which are being offered according to law), 9 then He has declared, "Lo! I am arriving to do Thy will, O God! He is despatching the first, that He should be establishing the second." 10 By which will we are hallowed through the approach present of the body of Jesus Christ once for all time.
Thayer defines the word rendered 'despatch' as:
Hebrews 10:16 CLV 16 'This is the covenant which I shall be covenanting with them after those days,' the Lord is saying, 'imparting My laws to their hearts, I shall be inscribing them on their comprehension also,
Jubilee represents the first year of entering the land in the marriage part of the covenant. Ezekiel recieves a temple vision on the very day and month they first entered the promised land, which was 14 years after being removed from the land; on the tenth day of the Nissan. It was approxiamately 574 BC and was supposed to start a Jubilee anniversary (in the seventh month); another 50 years of national marriage to Yahwey, celebrated by living an awesome year of trusting Yahwey to provide, paying off debts and returning to the original tribal allotments. Instead Ezekiel was recieving a vision of a temple, and it didn't represent the one Herod would remodel that Jesus said would be destroyed by the Roman empire. Ezekiel envisioned a temple that would encompass the whole city.
The city of God extending from heaven is itself cube shaped like the Holy of Holies and has within it no localized temple because everyone in the city of God already lives in his presence. Christ is the high priest and the preisthood includes all believers. It is the new and better covenant because the Holy Spirit betrothal did lead to the permanent marriage.
Revelation 21:1-3, 22 And I saw a new heaven and a new land, for the first heaven and the first land passed away, and the sea is no more. 2 And I, John, saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God, having been prepared like a bride, having been adorned for her Husband.3 And I heard a loud voice out of Heaven, saying, Look the tabernacle of God with humanity! 22 And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty is its temple, also the Lamb.
The Truth Is Deliberately Distorted By False Witnesses
John 2:19-21 ALT19 Jesus answered and said to them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up!" 20 Then the Jews said, "This temple was built [in] forty and six years, and You will raise it up in three days?" 21 But that [One] spoke concerning the temple of His body. (The Body Of Christ)
Mark 14:58 ALT 58 "We heard Him saying, 'I will tear down this temple made with human hands, and by three days, I will build another not made with human hands.'"
Matthew 26:61 ALT 61 But later two false witnesses having come forward, said, "This One said, 'I am able to tear down the temple of God and by three days to build it."
First Adam Entered The Land On
Or Near A Sabbath
Adam was not placed in the garden on the first day of creation. Adam moved into the land on or approaching the sabbath; after God completed His world and declared it good. Adam was covenanted in the wilderness on the sixth day and placed into the garden. After Jesus completed His work as last Adam, He also entered the new good land on or approaching a sabbath eve. But Jesus entered the new land on the Nissan 17th sabbath not the Nissan 10th sabbath as Josua did. Jesus did not have to be in the new land for a time before making an offering from the previous days of reaping. He took the work he did from the last week of the old to the first day of the new.
Jesus was in the new covenant holy place after his resurrection. Symbolically the holy place was 40 cubits long. Jesus would take 40 days after the resurrection before ascending to the most holy place. The portico was 10 cubits long. It would be 10 more days before the Holy Spirit arrived to bring his people to the holy place.
first day in the old land was the 10th. The first day in the new
covenant was the 17th.
The 17th is the unending, uncounted sabbath day of Messiah.
Noah's ark was a type of sabbath day resurrection.
Genesis 8:4 YLT 4 And the ark resteth, in the seventh month, in the seventeenth day of the month, on mountains of Ararat;
Nissan was the seventh month to
Leaving Egypt was a type of new birth for the nation, so Yahwey changed what was Noah's seventh month of the year to be Israel's first month of the year, indicating a new beginning in the seventh month. In the fulfillment of these types, Jesus was born into Israel's seventh month, which was His beginning as a human before His rebirth. He entered the types to rescue his people by fulfilling the types. Jesus was born again in the first month.
Nissan became the first month to
Exodus 12:1-2 YLT 1 And Jehovah speaketh unto Moses and unto Aaron, in the land of Egypt, saying, 2 `This month is to you the chief of months—it is the first to you of the months of the year;
The betrothal (resurrection) of
the reborn human nation arrived in the third month on Pentecost and
the marriage to the new Human arrived in the seventh
On the Day of Atonement, the High Priest went through many preparations to enter into the Holy of Holies on behalf of his people. God's throne room in Heaven is the most perfect and the most intimate dwelling place for His bride.
She is rid of the "old man" of sin in the waters of baptism, symbolized also by the Days of Unleavened Bread. She doesn't buy back the old leaven when she has the new.
Romans 6:3,6,7 - 3 Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? 6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed ...7 For he that is dead is freed from sin.
1 Corinthians 5:7-11 CLV 7 Clean out, then, the old leaven, that you may be a fresh kneading, according as you are unleavened. For our Passover also, Christ, was sacrificed for our sakes"
Ephesians 5:27-29 ECB 27 to present to himself a glorious ecclesia - not having stain or wrinkle or any such; but that it be holy and unblemished. 28 Thus the men are indebted to love their women as their own bodies. Whoever loves his woman loves himself. 29 For no one ever yet hates his own flesh; but nurtures and cherishes it, even exactly as Adonay the ecclesia:
The Marriage Supper of the Lamb
takes place in the seventh month.
The church overcame the adversary and the beast. For the Spirit of the law of Christ overcomes the adversarial law of sin and death and His humanity rejects the number of the beast. The beast was stuck on 666 but Messiah sevens us. We drink with Him anew in His kingdom. We enter his feast of Sabbath rest. After the Day of Atonement comes the week of Tabernacles. Tabernacles is the seventh month of the year wedding that lasts for seven days. It follows the seventh seven of Pentecost and the seventh seven of Jubilee. We are not stuck in the sixth day as Augustine taught, nor are we starting over in the first day as Constantine taught. We now worship in His uncounted-neverending sabbath. It is not 666 or 111 or 911. It is 777, which was the new human's answer to the rule of the beast. We have entered into Messiah's seventh day sabbath. The types have been fulfilled in Christ.
YLT 28 so also the Christ, once having been offered to bear the sins of many, a second time, apart from a sin-offering, shall appear, to those waiting for him—to salvation!
Hebrews 9:3 reveals where
he is coming out of.
Hebrews 9:3 YLT 3 and after the second vail a tabernacle that is called `Holy of holies,'
At his resurrection, Jesus
entered through the veil (his flesh) into the Holy place of the new
covenant. This was his first appearance as High Priest of the new
world order. The first typical veil was torn open at his
At his accension, Jesus entered into the most holy place, behind the second veil, to prepare the place for his people to live in. If the typical high priest did not come out of the Most Holy Place and return to the holy place, then the sacrifice was not accepted and the people were not blessed in God's land. Jesus became the once for all High Priest of the new covenant. At the marriage Yeshua moved His bride from the holy place into the most holy place.
Unlike Moses, Jesus went into the promised land to prepare the place while the church left 'Egypt'. The church then entered the wilderness journey of their covenant transition guided by the Holy Spirit and the messengers of God. The second typical veil was removed in AD 67 or 70 when Jesus came out of the real Most Holy Place veil. This was the second appearance of the high priest and the second veil he came out of. Jesus' first appearance as High priest was His 3rd day resurrection into the holy place, as High Priest of the new covenant priesthood. The first appearance was in His flesh and it lasted 40 days.
The betrothal covenant brought them into the new covenant Holy Place to prepare them for heaven. The wedding took them into the new covenant Most Holy place.
12:6 YLT 6 and
the woman did flee to the wilderness, where she hath a place made
ready from God, that there they may nourish her—days a thousand,
two hundred, sixty.
The true to their Word Jews fled after the stoning of Stephen. The church persecution began; unbelieving Jews began persecuting believing Jews.
Acts 8:1-4 LITV 1 And Saul was consenting to the doing away of him. And in that day a great persecution took place on the church which was in Jerusalem; and all were scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. 2 And devout men together carried Stephen and made a great lamentation over him. 3 But Saul ravaged the church, entering house by house, dragging both men and women, he delivered them to prison. 4 Then, indeed, the ones who had been scattered passed through, preaching the gospel, the Word.
Paul still tended to keep the typical sabbaths even after he found his true sabbath fulfillment in the messiah. He lived in the transition era as the types were being realized. Since the first Christians were necessarily Hebrews, those Christians continued practicing the sabbath laws until consummation; the typical temple still stood. Without faith in Christ no one can have eternal life and find true rest in God. Paul however did not require sabbath keeping for Gentiles any more than he required circumcision.
* Yah Shua can be translated: Jesus, Joshua or Yeshua. This verse is referring to the successor of Moses whom we prefer to call Joshua. He was a type of Christ because he took the people into the typical promised land. The true rest is in the Joshua who came in the first century.