Why Sunday?
We can stop working and meet
together any day of the Roman week we want to.
Anyone who insists that we worship on a certain day of the Roman week has to be wrong. Roman days don't line up with Jewish days. The modern day begins 6 hours after the first century Jewish day did. Therefore: even if we still have to observe certain typological days, one could only get it 75% right by calling it Saturday or Sunday. The days we call Saturday and Sunday are not in the Bible nor is the phrase 'first day of the week'.
I go to church on Sunday, which is the first day of the Roman divided week. And I have no plans to change that. But I will not deceive you by trying to say it is the required biblical day of worship. The old covenant biblical day of 'ceasing' was not Saturday either. It was called Sabbath. We can stop working and meet together any day we want to today. The O.C. types were fulfilled in Christ. If we are required to keep the weekly sabbath then we are also required to keep the seventh year sabbath and Jubilee and Pentecost? We are not. However we should step back and take a look at the big picture God has accurately painted for us; no matter what day of the Roman week we regularly congregate.
The oldest record we have contending that Roman Sunday is the biblical day we should gather together, is from Justin Martyr AD 150. His writing is not part of the Bible of course so it may contain errors in thinking.
"First Apology" Chapter 67. Weekly worship of the Christians. By Justin Martyr
For He was crucified on the day before that of Saturn (Saturday); and on the day after that of Saturn, which is the day of the Sun, having appeared to His apostles and disciples, He taught them these things, which we have submitted to you also for your consideration.
Justin was born into a Roman established city in Judaea. He tried to align his Roman days with the biblical days of the week, while assuming his more familiar pagan paradigm. Even timewise how can they be more than 75% congruent, since the Roman day only contains that much of the Hebrew day? Not to mention the Roman gods and their planets that the days were named for. Which planet's day should Jesus be raised on to fulfill the O.C. types?
Justin took off his shoes before entering the place of worship, sent wine and bread by way of the deacons to those who could not attend that day of the Sun service and he spoke in Greek. I'm fine with all of that, even meeting together on the Roman day of the Sun. I am not okay with teaching errors; like his belief in the day of the Sun resurrection. Biblically, it would properly be referred to as a day one, two, three, four, five, six, or sabbath resurrection; not an Apollos, Jupiter, Saturn or Sun day resurrection.
Foundational errors certainly distort the theological depiction. Jesus fulfilled all the O.T. Hebrew types and the Roman day of the Sun does not fit the Hebrew designation. Jesus fulfilled sabbath rest; not Sunday or Saturday. The seventh day of the week sabbath was the type He fulfilled. He was in the tomb on day 5 and day 6 and raised to the third day so that his people could participate in the divine nature by way of His reformation work as "last Adam". The Holy Spirit then raised the church to stand at His new covenant wedding; a sabbath engagement followed by an eight day sabbath to sabbath wedding party. Jesus is the God/human who is Lord of the new covenant sabbath. The sabbath rest is now in the body of Christ; the family of God, rather than being in any typical 24 hour time period. The shadows became full reality in the new covenant. We should still try to view it in the native Hebrew resolution so we can see the fulfillment of the big picture.
Why does the bible say Jesus is the temple and his people are the temple and his city is now the cube shaped most holy place, previously typified in the second room of the temple? because the types were fulfilled! The image of God now lives in his people through the new husbandman producing his image in his bride; the new nation. God no longer lives in typical temples for worship on typical days. The body of Christ is not the typical temple. He really does incorporate His Father's image in his people rather than in a building made of rock and wood. It is not a corporation of cubicles where people sit and communicate day after day via the internet, as expedient as that may be. The whole bright city with it's perpetually open gates is pictured as cube shaped, indicating the personal presence of the benevolent God's image throughout his whole city; so we can learn to prosper as citizens with true joy by expressing our individuality morally; that is in His image.
The antithesis fulfillment of this type would be the science fiction community of the Borg; the cold metal cube shaped city ever floating through the outer darkness of space assimilating anything vaguely human; the imperious non grounded city; the relentless adversary. The unreasonable female head of the hive collects all species against their will and wires them into her collective via a 24/7 machine-like apparatus. The goal is synthetic perfection of the species' biological machinery with disregard to individuality, goodness or free will. Few words are permitted to be expressed except, "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated." This sci-fi method of corporate body building does not invoke the joy or gratitude often expressed toward the true giver of life and freedom.
God wants people to worship in spirit and truth because he is worthy; not a church dominated by mechanical legalism that militarily rules by force because no one has a choice; where resistance is at least "heretical" and "immoral". In reality, the more we get to know God's nature, the more freedom of expression we enjoy, because we are each taught in our unique human spirits to fully function in His good city.
The following letter is from T. Enright CssR, Bishop of St. Alphonsus C hurch, St. Louis, Missouri, June, 1905. |
"Dear Friend, I have offered and still offer $1000 to any one
who can prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound, under
grievous sin to keep Sunday holy. It was the Catholic Church which made the law obliging us to keep Sunday holy. The church made this law long after the Bible was written. Hence said law is not in the Bible. Christ, our Lord empowered his church to make laws binding in conscience. He said to his apostles and their lawful sucessors in the priesthood "Whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be binding in heaven." Mth. 16:19. Mth. 18:17. Luke 16:19. The Cath. Church abolished not only the Sabbath, but all the other Jewish festivals. Pray and study. I shall be always glad to help you as long as you honestly seek the truth. Respectfully, T. Enright CssR |
The Jewish sabbath and the Jewish festivals were not abolished by the church. They were Jewish types that were fulfilled by the Jewish Christ.
The seventh festival was fulfilled when Yeshua The Messiah married the church.