The Animals
We are as fascinated with animals and their behavior in today's 'scientific' world as we were in the ancient empires. We never cease humanizing animals or animalizing humans. Whether it's mermaids who can't choose between sea life or land life, or wolverines who can't quite control their animal rage, we still live in a world of animal charicatures. The phrases 'She's as greedy as a sneaky octopus' or 'He's as slippery as a slimy slug' instantly evoke an image of a unscrupulous person. Animal behavior is usually not where we look for our moral code of conduct and it is frequently downright disgusting. We more often look to the animals in order to justify our bad behavior. If they steal things from each other it must be natural for me too. The idea that some animals mate for life is more of what we would like to see in animals than an actual scientific fact (I said scientific because it somehow makes the fact more believable). Monogomy is more of a wise human choice than an actual animal instinct. But even the scriptures point to the industriousness and the seasonal planning of the ants as a virtue to be considered by the sluggards.
Mark 1:13 ECB and there he is, in the wilderness forty days, tested of Satan; and is with the wild beasts; and the angels minister to him.
Was it really animals that Adam was suppose to tame as the original great commission? Did Adam really consider every animal for a wife? Did Cain really marry his sister. Was a whole city propagated through Adam and Eve and then named after Cain's son? Did a talking reptile tempt Eve?
Animals in the book of Daniel represent people or people groups and every one of the twelve tribes is represented by an animal. Yashua is called a lamb and a lion. The original tempter was called a serpent. In the book of Jonah, the cattle repented in sackloth and ashes. Adam named all the animals, while looking for a suitable wife, who was later decieved by the talking reptile. The people who went to my high school were called 'The Fighting Cardinals'. Do you believe I went to school with birds? Are we as Americans the first people on earth who ever represented our people groups with animals? Was Adam's ultimate purpose to bring God glory by taming the actual animals? Is it possible that animals represent people groups in Genesis chapter one too. Is it even conceivable that Adam was supposed to humanize the nations. Have you studied the rules for interpreting ancient Hebrew literature? Maybe we should stop imposing our own traditions on the Word of God.
Jacob (James) 3:7 For every nature of wild beasts, reptiles, birds and from the sea is being tamed and has been tamed to the nature of the human. (This was Jacob son of Joseph writing to the twelve tribes who were infiltrating the nations. There was a Jewish church preaching Moses in every city as the pre-evangelism. Moses was a type of Christ, but the law man himself could not take them into the real promised land, only the spirit of Christ can. We can see how Jesus' name which more accurately sounded like yeh-ho-shoo'-ah was changed to Joshua or even how the name Jesus derived from the Graecized Ἰησοῦς. It is less clear why we use the name James for Jacob, which is pronounced Jacobus or Yacobus even by the Greeks; Ἰάκωβος. Maybe it evolved from Lacomus; a later Latin variant of Jacob.)
Galatians 3:24 ECB So the torah became our pedagogue to Messiah, that we be justified by trust.
Acts 10:11-17 LITV 11 And he saw the heaven being opened and a certain vessel like a great sheet coming down on him, being bound by four corners, and let down onto the earth; 12 in which were all the four-footed animals of the earth, and the wild beasts, and the creeping things, and the birds of the heaven. 13 And a voice came to him, Rise up, Peter, slay and eat. 14 But Peter said, Not at all, Lord, because I never did eat anything common or unclean. 15 And again a voice came to him a second time, What things God made clean, you do not make common.
Acts 11:16-17 LITV 16 And I recalled the Word of the Lord, how He said, John indeed baptized with water, but you shall be baptized in the Holy Spirit. 17 Then if God gave the same gift to them as also to us, believing on the Lord Jesus Christ, and I, who was I to be able to prevent God?
2 Peter 1:1-4
Shimon Petros a servant and an apostle of Yah
Shua Messiah: To them who were allotted equally precious trust with
us in the justness of Elohim and our Saviour Yah Shua
Messiah: 2 Charism and shalom be multiplied to you in
the knowledge of Elohim and of Yah Shua our
Adonay; 3 as his divine dynamis grants us all of
life and reverence; through the knowledge of him who called us
through glory and virtue: 4 through which he gives us magnificent and
precious pre-evangelisms: that through these you become partakers
of the divine nature - escaping the corruption in the cosmos in its
Some animals took refuge on the ark
Genesis 9:6-10 ECB 6 Whoever pours human blood, thus be his blood poured by humanity: for he worked humanity in the image of Elohim. 7 And you, bear fruit and abound; teem in the earth and abound. 8 And Elohim says to Noach and to his sons with him, saying, 9 And I, behold, I raise my covenant with you and with your seed after you; 10 and with every living soul with you - of the flyers, of the animals and of every live being of the earth with you; from all who go from the ark to every live being of the earth:
God gives his chosen people over to animal behavior when they don't acknowledge whose kingdom it really is.
Jeremiah 27:6 YLT `And now, I—I have given all these lands into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, My servant, and also the beast of the field I have given to him to serve him;
Daniel 4:24-27 LITV 24 This is the meaning, O king, and this the decree of the Most High, which has come on my lord the king: 25 And you shall be driven from men, and your dwelling shall be with the animals of the field. And you shall be fed with grass like oxen. And you shall be wet with dew of the heavens; and seven times shall pass over you until you know that the Most High is Ruler in the kingdom of men, and He gives it to whomever He desires. 26 And in that they that commanded to leave the stump of the tree roots, Your kingdom shall be enduring to you after you have realized that Heaven rules. 27 So, O king, let my advice be pleasing to you: Even break off your sins by righteousness, and your iniquities by pitying the poor, whether there will be duration to your prosperity.
Daniel 4:31-33 CLV 31 While the matter is still in the mouth of the king, a voice falls from the heavens, "To you are they saying, King Nebuchadnezzar: The kingdom passes away from you." 32 From mortals are they shoving you, and with the animals of the field is your abode. Herbage will they feed to you, as oxen. Thus seven seasons shall pass on over you till you shall know that the Supreme is in authority in the kingdom of mortals and to whom He is willing He is giving it." 33 In the same hour the declaration gathered on Nebuchadnezzar: From mortals is he shoved, herbage is he eating, as oxen, and the night mist of the heavens is streaking his frame, till his hair increased as vultures' feathers and his claws are as those of birds."
Daniel 4:34-37 CLV 34 And at the end of the days, I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted my eyes to the heavens, and my knowledge is returning to me. Then I blessed the Supreme, and I lauded and honored Him Who is living for the eon, seeing that His jurisdiction is an eonian jurisdiction, and His kingdom is with generation after generation." 35 All abiding on the earth are reckoned as naught: According to His will is He doing in the army of the heavens and with those abiding on the earth. And no one will actually clap with his hands and say to Him, "What doest Thou? 36 In the stated time my knowledge is returning to me: For the esteem of my kingdom, my honor and my aspect is returning to me. And to me my retinue and my grandees are petitioning, and over my kingdom I am set in due order, and excellent majesty was added to me." 37 Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, am lauding and exalting and honoring the King of the heavens, seeing that all His deeds are verity, and His paths are adjudication; and all walking in pride He can abase."
Nebuchadnezzar was the first beast from the sea, whom God humanized. It was self worship that turned the king to animal behavior. After he was 'inspired' to worship the God of Daniel he stood on his feet and became human.
Daniel 7:3-4 LITV And four great beasts came up from the sea, different from one another. 4 The first was like a lion and had eagle's wings. I watched until its wings were torn off. And it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand on two feet like a man, and a man's heart was given to it.
Revelation creates humanity
Romans 1:16-23 16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of the annointed for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone believing; to the Jew first but also to the Greek.17 For therein is the justice of God unveiled from belief unto belief; just as it is written, the just ones live by belief. 18 For the indignation of God is being revealed from heaven on all irreverence and injustice of humans; the ones who are keeping the truth in injustice.19 Because that which is known about the God is clearly known among them, for God revealed it to them. 20 What was not seen of God from the creation of the system is now being understood by His doings. His otherwise imperceptible power and divinity have now left them without excuse. 21 Because the ones knowing the God do not glorify or thank Him, instead they became vain in their reasonings and darkened in their foolish hearts. 22 Alleging to be wise they are made stupid. 23 And they change the glory of the incorruptible God into the same image as corruptible human and birds and quadrupeds and reptiles.
The unbelievers from the tribe of Judah became very adversarial to the believers from the same tribe. They wanted to stay in the old covenant with the corruptible human as the head. They did not want to put the old man to death so they went around like a roaring lion seeking to destroy the new covenant people.
Jacob 1:1 Jacob of God and master Jesus; annointed servant of the twelve tribes; the ones in the through seeding. Be rejoicing.
Jacob 3:6 The tongue is the fire in the system of injustice. This is how the tongue is constituting our members and staining the whole body and setting aflame the course of our lineage and it is being set on fire by the Gahenna. 7 For every nature of wild beasts, reptiles, birds and from the sea is being tamed and has been tamed to the nature of the human. 8 But no human has been able to tame the tongue. It is an unrestrainable evil distended with death carrying venom.
2 Peter 2:12 ALT But these, like irrational animals [guided by] natural instinct having been born for capture and destruction [fig., slaughter], speaking evil of [or, blaspheming in] [things] which they fail to understand, in their destruction they will be destroyed,
Jude 1:10 KJV But these speak evil of those things which they know not: but what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves.
Daniel 8:20-22 ECB 20 The ram you see - the master of horns are the sovereigns of Maday and Persia: 21 and the buck buck, the sovereign of Yavan: and the great horn between his eyes, the first sovereign; 22 that, being broken, four stand in its stead - four sovereigndoms from the goyim stand - but not in his force.
Daniel 7:3-9 LITV 3 And four great beasts came up from the sea, different from one another. 4 The first was like a lion and had eagle's wings. I watched until its wings were torn off. And it was lifted up from the earth and made to stand on two feet like a man, and a man's heart was given to it. 5 And, behold, another beast, a second, like a bear. And it was raised up on one side, and three ribs were in its mouth between its teeth. And they said this to it, Rise up, eat much flesh. 6 After this I was looking, and, behold, another like a leopard, and to it were four wings of a bird on its side. And also to the beast were four heads. And rulership was given to it. 7 And after this I was looking in the night visions. And, behold, the fourth beast was fearful and terrifying, and very strong! And to it were great iron teeth. It devoured, and crushed, and stamped what was left with its feet. And it was different from all the beasts before it; and it had ten horns. 8 I was thinking about the horns. And behold! Another little horn came up among them, and three of the first horns were uprooted before it. And behold! In this horn were eyes like the eyes of the man, and a mouth speaking great things. 9 I was looking until the thrones were thrown up, and the Ancient of Days sat, whose robe was white as snow and the hair of His head like pure wool. His throne was like flames of fire, its wheels like burning fire.
Revelation 13:1 CLV And it was standing on the sand of the sea. And I perceived a wild beast ascending out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads, and on its horns ten diadems, and on its heads blasphemous names."
Revelation 13:11-16 CLV 11 And I perceived another wild beast ascending out of the land, and it had two horns like a lambkin's, and it spoke as a dragon." 12 And it is exercising all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight, and making the earth and those dwelling in it to be worshiping the first wild beast, whose death blow was cured." 13 And it is doing great signs, that it may be making fire, also, descend out of heaven into the earth in the sight of mankind." 14 And it is deceiving those dwelling on the earth because of the signs which were given it to do in the sight of the wild beast, saying to those dwelling on the earth to make an image to the wild beast which has the blow of the sword and lives." 15 And it was given to it to give spirit to the image of the wild beast, that the image of the wild beast should be speaking also, and should be causing that whosoever should not be worshiping the image of the wild beast may be killed." 16 And it is causing all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they may be giving them an emblem on their right hand, or on their forehead,
Daniel 7:16-18 LITV 16 And I came near one of those who stood by and asked him the truth of all this. And he told me and made me know the meaning of the things. 17 These great beasts are four, four kings; they shall rise up out of the earth. 18 But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever.
Psalm 22:7-24 LITV 7 All who see Me scornfully laugh at me; they open the lip; they shake the head, saying, 8 He rolled on Jehovah, let Him deliver Him; let Him rescue Him, since He delights in Him. 9 For You are He, my Taker from the womb; causing me to trust on My mother's breasts. 10 I was cast on You from the womb, from My mother's belly, You are my God. 11 Be not far from Me; for trouble is near; because no one is there to help. 12 Many bulls have circled around Me; strong bulls of Bashan have surrounded Me. 13 They opened their mouth on Me, like a lion ripping and roaring. 14 I am poured out like waters, and all My bones are spread apart; My heart is like wax; it is melted in the midst of My bowels. 15 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and My tongue clings to My jaws; 16 and You appoint Me to the dust of death; for dogs have encircled Me; band of spoilers have hemmed Me in, piercers of My hands and My feet. 17 I count all My bones; they look, they stare at Me. 18 They divide My garments among them, and they made fall a lot for My clothing. 19 But You, O Jehovah, be not far off; O My Strength, hurry to help Me! 20 Deliver My soul from the sword, My only one from the paw of the dog. 21 Save Me from the lion's mouth; and from the horns of the wild oxen. You have answered Me. 22 I will declare Your name to My brothers; I will praise You in the midst of the assembly. 23You who fear Jehovah, praise Him; all the seed of Jacob, glorify Him; and all the seed of Israel, fear Him. 24 For He has not despised nor hated the affliction of the afflicted; and He has not hidden His face from him, but when He cried to Him, He heard.
Matthew 15:26-27 YLT 26 and he answering said, `It is not good to take the children's bread, and to cast to the little dogs.' 27 And she said, `Yes, sir, for even the little dogs do eat of the crumbs that are falling from their lords' table;'
Philipians 3:2 ALT 2 Be watching out for [or, Beware of] the dogs! Be watching out for the evil laborers! Be watching out for the mutilation [or, false circumcision]!
The sign of circumcision was performed on the eighth day of the baby boy. It signified a new creation no longer in the flesh. Those who were still insisting on it as a covenant requirement were violating the true symbolic meaning of that old covenant sign because it was fulfilled by the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. We are all born just like animals are and we tend to act like them too. The best image to be raised into is that of a human, so it is the best family to be raised in. However, the transition time from the humanity of Adam to the humanity of Christ became highly treasonous; by both natural and supernatural beings.
Matthew 10:16-17 ECB 16 Behold, I apostolize you as sheep among wolves: so be thoughtful as serpents, and unadulterated as doves.
17 But
heed humanity: for they betray you to the sanhedrim; and they
scourge you in their synagogues;
All Israel was born from Isaac, whose name was changed to Israel. However those in Isaac who rejected their messiah were considered the children of the flesh. In the flesh Abraham had a son through Hagar who had to be cast out because he harassed the son of the promise. In Christ the true seed of the promise arrived. The gospel went to all nations through Israel. Even descendents of Hagar were then invited into the inheritance.
Romans 9:4-7 4 who are Israelites, whose is the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the lawgiving, and the service, and the promises, 5 whose are the fathers, and of whom is the Christ, according to the flesh, who is over all, God blessed to the ages. Amen. 6 And it is not possible that the word of God hath failed; for not all who are of Israel are these Israel; 7 neither because they are seed of Abraham are they all children, but—`in Isaac shall a seed be called to thee;' 8 that is, the children of the flesh are not the children of God; but the children of the promise are reckoned for seed;
Jesus was speaking to those in the land when He even called them the children of the devil because they followed the head of the fallen elohim in the spiritual rebellion that peaked as Jesus arrived. They were in on the insurrection that rejected Jesus in order to retain the false elohim in the land.
John 8:37-59 YLT 37 `I have known that ye are seed of Abraham, but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you; 38 I—that which I have seen with my Father do speak, and ye, therefore, that which ye have seen with your father—ye do.' 39 They answered and said to him, `Our father is Abraham;' Jesus saith to them, `If children of Abraham ye were, the works of Abraham ye were doing; 40 and now, ye seek to kill me—a man who hath spoken to you the truth I heard from God; this Abraham did not; 41 ye do the works of your father.' They said, therefore, to him, `We of whoredom have not been born; one Father we have—God;' 42 Jesus then said to them, `If God were your father, ye were loving me, for I came forth from God, and am come; for neither have I come of myself, but He sent me; 43 wherefore do ye not know my speech? because ye are not able to hear my word. 44 `Ye are of a father—the devil, and the desires of your father ye will to do; he was a man-slayer from the beginning, and in the truth he hath not stood, because there is no truth in him; when one may speak the falsehood, of his own he speaketh, because he is a liar—also his father. 45 `And because I say the truth, ye do not believe me. 46 Who of you doth convict me of sin? and if I speak truth, wherefore do ye not believe me? 47 he who is of God, the sayings of God he doth hear; because of this ye do not hear, because of God ye are not.' 48 The Jews, therefore, answered and said to him, `Do we not say well, that thou art a Samaritan, and hast a demon?' 49 Jesus answered, `I have not a demon, but I honour my Father, and ye dishonour me; 50 and I do not seek my own glory; there is who is seeking and is judging; 51 verily, verily, I say to you, If any one may keep my word, death he may not see—to the age.' 52 The Jews, therefore, said to him, `Now we have known that thou hast a demon; Abraham did die, and the prophets, and thou dost say, If any one may keep my word, he shall not taste of death—to the age! 53 Art thou greater than our father Abraham, who died? and the prophets died; whom dost thou make thyself?' 54Jesus answered, `If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing; it is my Father who is glorifying me, of whom ye say that He is your God; 55 and ye have not known Him, and I have known Him, and if I say that I have not known Him, I shall be like you—speaking falsely; but I have known Him, and His word I keep; 56 Abraham, your father, was glad that he might see my day; and he saw, and did rejoice.' 57 The Jews, therefore, said unto him, `Thou art not yet fifty years old, and Abraham hast thou seen?' 58 Jesus said to them, `Verily, verily, I say to you, Before Abraham's coming—I am;' 59 they took up, therefore, stones that they may cast at him, but Jesus hid himself, and went forth out of the temple, going through the midst of them, and so passed by.
Luke 10:18-20 YLT 18 and he said to them, `I was beholding the Adversary, as lightning from the heaven having fallen; 19 lo, I give to you the authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and on all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you; 20 but, in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subjected to you, but rejoice rather that your names were written in the heavens.'
The True Elohim curses the false elohim referred to here as the serpent. He was alive and well in first century Israel.
Genesis 3:14-16 CLV 14 And saying is Yahweh Elohim to the serpent, "As you do this, most cursed are you of every beast, and of all field life. On your torso shall you go, and soil shall you eat all the days of your lives. 15 And enmity am I setting between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed. He shall hurt your head and you shall hurt his heel.16 And to the woman He says, "Multiplying, yea, multiplying am I your grief and the groaning of your pregnancy. In grief shall you bear sons. "Yet by your husband is your restoration, and he shall rule over you.
1 John 3:9 Everyone who has
been begotten of God does not miss the mark (is not without a share
in) , because His seed abides in him, and he is not able to miss
the mark, because he has been born of God.
God's people now come from all nations. Animals here are symbolic of nations other than Jacob's nation that descended from Adam the human. The serpent was usually symbolic of the false elohim except when Moses' serpent ate the Egyptian's serpent or Yeshua told his disciples to be as shrewd as serpents and as harmless as doves.