The body of Christ can do
more for you than you can ever do for it. Nevertheless JFK was
right, it is not always about you. Sometimes it's about you
(plural). There are 196 corporate bodies in the world today that we
call countries. 50 days after the singular bodily resurrection of
the Jewish eschaton Adam, the life giving spirit was sent to the
corporate Jewish body; to enable God's people to stand in the body
of Christ.
You (plural) are His nation.
1 Peter 2:9
AUV 9 But you
people are especially chosen [by God]; you are a royal body of
priests; you are a nation especially set apart for God’s
use; you are a people who belong exclusively to God, that
you may express the virtues of the One who called you out of
darkness [i.e., of sin and error], and into His marvelous
light [i.e., righteousness and truth].
Those who teach His nation the truth are the real
Daniel 12:3
3 and they
who comprehend shall enlighten others as does the brilliance of the
expanse. And they who lead many to rightness will shine as
the stars for that age and for futurity.
Salvation is of the Jewish nation.
John 4:19-26
LITV 19 The woman
said to Him, Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet. 20 Our fathers
worshiped in this mountain, and you say that in Jerusalem is the
place where it is necessary to worship. 21 Jesus said to
her, Woman, believe Me that an hour is coming when you will worship
the Father neither in this mountain nor in
Jerusalem. 22 You worship
what you do not know; we worship what we know, for
salvation is of the Jews. 23 But an hour
is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will
worship the Father in spirit and in truth. For the Father
also seeks such ones that worship Him. 24 God is a
spirit, and the ones worshiping Him must worship in spirit and
truth. 25 The woman
said to Him, I know that Messiah is coming, the One called Christ.
When that One comes, He will announce to us all
things. 26 Jesus said to
her, I AM, the One speaking to you.
The gospel truth remained in the believing Jews
John 14:14-18
14 If
you(plural) ever request anything in my name, I will be doing
it. 15 If you(p) are
now loving me, you(p) will continue to keep my
directions. 16 And I will be
asking the Father, and he will be giving you(p) another advocate,
and he will be staying with you(p) into the age; 17 the spirit of
truth, which the cosmos is not able to get, because it is not
seeing it or knowing it. But you(p) know it, for it is remaining
with you(p) and will be in you(p). 18 I will
not leave you bereaved; I am coming to you.
Yeshua came to unite his corporate body of believers by
giving them the truth and by removing the old covenant
John 17:22
LITV 22 And I have
given them the glory which You have given Me, that they may be one,
as We are one:
God's covenant people now believe that the body of
Yeshua is one of believers only.
John 17:14-21
ALT 14 "I have
given to them Your word. And the world hated them, because they are
not of the world, just as I am not of the
world. 15 "I do not ask
that You take them out of the world, but that You keep
them out of evil [or, from the
evil [one]]. 16 "They
are not of the world, just as I am not of the
world. 17 "Sanctify
them in Your truth; Your word is truth. 18 "Just as You
sent Me into the world, I also sent them into the
world. 19 "And I sanctify
Myself on behalf of them, so that they also shall have
been sanctified in truth. 20 "But not
concerning these only do I ask, but also concerning the
ones believing [or, trusting] in Me through their
word, 21 so that they
all shall be one. Just as You, Father, [are] in Me and
I [am] in You, so that they also shall be one
in Us, so that the world shall be believing [or, shall be
convinced] that You sent Me.
The only world Jesus sent his people into was the
Jewish world. That is the orderly arrangement that initially hated
Jesus, because he was shutting that system down (Though the world
at large has prospered due to the organizing effect of the body of
Christ, dishonest systems still hate Jesus). It was some (10) years
after Pentecost when the first Gentile entered the renewed
(by-the-spirit-of-messsiah) corporate body of Jews. In AD70 the old
Jewish adornment was finally shut down. God's covenant people moved
into the made new body.
Strong's: cosmos
- κόσμος
- orderly arrangement, i.e.
decoration; by implication, the world (in a wide or narrow sense,
including its inhabitants, literally or figuratively
Derivation: probably from the base of G2865;
KJV Usage: adorning, world.
Jesus prayed for his people, not the old orderly
John 17:9
9 I pray about
them; I am not praying about the
orderly system. I am praying
about those you have given to me because they are
Cosmos sometimes does mean the whole world or the whole
universe; by implication. But it literarily means the orderly
Matthew 24:1-2
ALT 1 And having
gone out, Jesus was departing from the temple, and His disciples
approached Him to point out to Him the buildings of the
temple. 2 But Jesus
said to them, "You(p) are looking at all these, are
you(p) not? Positively, I say to you(p), by no means
shall [there] be left here a stone upon a stone which
will not be torn down."
The one old covenant
body was no longer united. Even Yahwey called the ten northern tribes
"Israel" and the two southern tribes "Judah".
The Israelite's capital was
Samaria and the Judaean's capital was
Yahwey spoke to Jeremiah
about the split body.
Jeremiah 3:11 ABP 11 And
the LORD said to me, justified her soul Israel
above the covenant-breaker Judah.
Jeremiah 3:11 CLV 11 And Yahweh said
unto me:`Justified herself has backsliding
More than treacherous
The resurrection naturally went to Judah and Israel
Acts 11:19
YLT 19 Those,
indeed, therefore, having been scattered abroad, from the
tribulation that came after Stephen, went through unto Phenice, and
Cyprus, and Antioch, speaking the word to none except
to Jews only;
Matthew 10:5-6
ALT 5 These twelve
Jesus sent out, having given strict orders to them, saying, "You(p)
shall not go into the way of the Gentiles, and you(p) shall not
enter into a city of the Samaritans, 6 but be
going rather to the sheep, the ones having been lost
from [the] house of Israel.
Matthew 15:24
ALT 24 But
answering, He said, "I was not sent except to the sheep,
the ones lost from the house of Israel."
Jesus said the resurrection was a person.
John 11:25
CLV 25 Jesus said to
her, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who is believing in
Me, even if he should be dying, shall be living."
The corporate
resurrection event started with the Holy Spirit betrothal at
Pentecost that was enabling the 12 tribes to stand up for the new
national wedding to the new covenant-man; with or without their
original piece of land to cultivate. The first husbandman fell into
the death and the first nation followed suit. The second firstborn
covenant-man sent his life-giving spirit to resurrect the 12
tribes, who had fallen as a nation into the covenant death.
In the eyes of the
Corinthians there was a
serious problem with this new arrangement. How could there be a
resurrection of people who died before being baptized into a living
body of believers? What kind of body could they possibly be in? The
Corinthians themselves felt secure because they had their living
church body. The Holy Spirit was raising them up for the new
corporate wedding too. They just could not see how anybody could be
in the resurrection without a living corporate body that was
visible to the Corinthians. The Corinthians had the spirit of
Yeshua, yet they were still thinking in the
Romans 8:9
CLV 9 Yet you are
not in flesh, but in spirit, if so be that God's spirit is making
its home in you. Now if anyone has not Christ's spirit, this one is
not His."
When the new personage
of the made new corporate body returns for his sanctified nation,
it is definately not pictured as a land
1 Thessalonians 4:14-17
ALT 14 For
since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, so also God will
bring the ones having fallen asleep through [fig., having died
in] Jesus with Him. 15 For
this we say to you(p) by [the] word of the Lord,
that we, the ones living, the ones being left to the Arrival
of the Lord, by no means shall precede the ones having fallen
asleep [fig., who have died]. 16 Because
the Lord Himself with a shout of command,
with [the] voice of an archangel and
with [the] trumpet of God, will descend from heaven, and
the dead in Christ will rise first, 17 then we,
the ones living, the ones being left, will be caught up together
with them in [the] clouds to a meeting
of the Lord in [the] air, and so we will always be with
the Lord!
Strong's: (with)
- σύν
- with or together (but much closer
than G3326 or G3844), i.e. by
association, companionship, process, resemblance, possession,
instrumentality, addition, etc.
Derivation: a primary preposition denoting union;
KJV Usage: beside, with.
In composition it has similar applications, including
Dodson: (meeting)
- ἀπάντησις
- the act of meeting, to meet (a
phrase seemingly almost technical for the reception of a newly
arrived official).
- ἀπάντησις
- a (friendly) encounter
The Corinthians could not fathom a resurrected body for
the dead ones, yet they were being baptized for the
1 Corinthians 15:29
ECB 29 Else
what do they who are baptized for the dead if the dead rise not at
all? Why then are they baptized for the dead?
If the Corinthians were
being baptized for those who had physically died then maybe they
thought they were giving them a body to live in by adding them to
their church body. Baptism itself is a picture of a dead one rising
into a new and living body of believers. But why believe in baptism
at all if dead ones don't rise? We are baptized into the corporate
body of Christ, because only he can conquer the death of the old
body and put us into the life of the new body; no matter which
corporate body you were born into, and there were many corporate
bodies in the first century. Hades was considered the dead
corporate body that contained both believers and unbelievers;
before Jesus conquered the death.
Adam could not find a suitable wife from any of the
corporate bodies. They were all created with living souls before he
became the first human soul. As the husbandman, Adam's seed would
be sown to raise a corporate body known biblically as humans. The
humans were told to die to their dead Adamic body. They were
baptized by the spirit into the new and living human body of
Christ. The human corporate body was being made more suitable for
'Eschaton Adam', during their national betrothal. (After His side
was pierced by the law man/soldier, while He was in a 'deep sleep',
in order to release the bride)
1 Corinthians 15:35-50
ECB 35 But
some say, How are the dead raised? And with what body come
they? 36 You
thoughtless! What you spore enlivens not unless it
die: 37 and
what you spore, you spore not the body to be, but a naked kernel,
if perhaps of grain or of some other: 38 and
Elohim gives a body exactly as he wills and to each sperma its own
body. 39 All
flesh is not the same flesh: but indeed there is one flesh of
humanity another flesh of animals another of fishes another of
flyers; 40 also
bodies of the heavenlies and bodies of the earthly: but indeed the
glory of the heavenlies is another and of the earthly is
another: 41 one
glory of the sun and another glory of the moon and another glory of
the stars: for star thoroughly surpasses star in
glory. 42 Thus
also the resurrection of the dead: spored in corruption; raised in
incorruption: 43 spored
in dishonor; raised in glory: spored in frailty; raised in
dynamis: 44 spored
a soulical body; raised a spiritual body. There is a soulical body
and there is a spiritual body. 45 And
thus it is scribed, The first human Adam became into a living soul;
the final Adam into an enlivening spirit. 46 Rather
the spiritual is not first; but the soulical - and then the
spiritual. 47 The
first human is dust from the earth; the second human is Adonay from
the heavens. 48 Such
as the dust, such also those of dust: and such as the heavenlies,
such also those of the heavenlies. 49 And
exactly as we bear the icon of the dust we also bear the icon of
the heavenlies. 50 And
this I say brothers, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the
sovereigndom of Elohim; corruptibility inherits not
Sometimes animal species represented corporate bodies
of people.
James 3:7 (Jacob to the 12 tribes scattered into the
ECB 7 For all nature,
both of beasts and of flyers, both of creepers and of those in the
sea, is tamed - and has been tamed by human nature:
The gospel goes to all nations.
Acts 10:11-12
ECB 11 and he
observes the heavens open; and a vessel descends on him as a mega
linen bound at the four beginnings, and lowers to the earth:
} 12 wherein are
all quadrepeds of the earth and beasts and creepers and flyers of
the heavens:
Acts 10:36
YLT 36 the word that
he sent to the sons of Israel, proclaiming good news—peace through
Jesus Christ (this one is Lord of all,)
ECB 36 The word
Elohim apostolized to the sons of Yisra El, evangelizing shalom
through Yah Shua Messiah: - he is Adonay of all:
Peter doesn't forbid other nations from entering his
Jewish body.
Acts 10:47
ALT 47 "Surely no
one is able to forbid the water, can he, [for] these not
to be baptized who received the Holy Spirit just as we
also [did]?"
After Jesus was resurrected into the new covenant, he
told his Jewish disciples to conclude their old covenant age by
bringing people from all the nations into their new covenant church
Matthew 28:19-20
ALT 19 "When
you(p) have gone, make disciples of all the nations, baptizing
them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit, 20 teaching
them to be observing all [things], as many as I commanded
you(p). And listen! I am with you(p) all the days,
until the conclusion of the age! So be it!" [Gr. amen, and
throughout NT].
Matthew 28:19-20
ECB 19 So go and
disciple all goyim, baptizing them in the name* of the Father, and
of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: 20 doctrinating
them to guard all - as much as ever I misvahed you: and behold, I
am with you all days - even to the completion/shalom of the eon.
Amen. *name: Exodus 3:3-15, Isaiah 42:8, John
Exodus 3:15
CLV 15 And Elohim
said further to Moses: Thus shall you say to the sons of Israel,
Yahweh, the Elohim of your fathers, the Elohim of Abraham, the
Elohim of Isaac and the Elohim of Jacob, has sent me to you. This
is My name for the eon, and this the remembrance of Me for
generation after generation.
Hebrews 13:8
8 Jesus
anointed; the same yesterday and today and into the
To be baptized into the
family name of Yahweh, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit, is to become
like them in character.
Do those who claim the
family name but are not in the family of Yahwey take his name in
vain, or is it those who are in the family but never grow up to act
like it? Some old covenant Jews, by family geneolgy but not by
family belief, were destroyed in AD 70 for staying in the land and
not believing what the family clearly heard Jesus
Exodus 20:7
KJV 7 Thou shalt
not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will
not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
Exodus 20:7
ECB 7 Bear not the
name of Yah Veh your Elohim in defamation; for Yah
Veh exonerates him not who bears his name in
Exodus 20:7
CLV 7 You shall not
take up the name of Yahweh your Elohim for
futility, for Yahweh shall not hold innocent him
who takes up His name for futility.
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
שׁו שׁואo
1. emptiness, vanity,
a. emptiness,
nothingness, vanity
b. emptiness of
speech, lying
c. worthlessness (of
Strong's Hebrew Lexicon
שׁוא o
shâv' shav
From the same
as H7722 in
the sense
of desolating; evil (as destructive),
literally (ruin) or morally
(especially guile);
figuratively idolatry (as false,
subjectively), uselessness (as
deceptive, objectively; also adverbially
in vain)
KJV Usage: false (-ly), lie, lying, vain, vanity.
Whether you die or live depends on which corporate body
you are in. Those who chose to stay and serve Egypt are pictured as
the old body that loses their breath underwater. They drowned in
the Red sea.
1 Corinthians 10:2 (Baptized into the body of Moses)
CLV 2 and
all are baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the
The new covenant is better. The old covenant was full
of patterns. Moses was a type of Christ.
Hebrews 8:6
LITV 6 But now He
has gotten a more excellent ministry, also by so much as He is a
Mediator of a better covenant, which has been enacted on better
The Gentiles were also being added to the redeemed body
of Moses.
Ephesians 1:12-14 (The
body of Moses was redeemed)
ALT 12 for us to
be to [the] praise of His glory, the ones having
been the first to hope in Christ, 13 in
whom you(p) also, having heard the word
of the truth, the Gospel of your(p) salvation, in whom also
having believed [or, having trusted], you(p) were sealed
with the Holy Spirit of promise, 14 who
is [the] down payment [or, guarantee] of our
inheritance, with respect to the redemption of His
acquired possession, to the praise of His glory!
The corporate body that didn't receive the Holy Spirit
of Christ chose to be like the typical "Egypt". They were
spiritually like them.
Revelation 11:8 (In the first century Jerusalem got some
CLV 8 And their
corpses will be at the square of the great city which,
spiritually, is being called Sodom and Egypt,
where their Lord, also, was crucified."
In the new covenant the Holy Spirit enables us to
In the old covenant,
after passing all the tests, the Holy Spirit remained with Jesus
(after His water baptism). Then He started his three and one half
year ministry to the corporate body of Jews. He later sent His Holy
Spirit to the believers sitting at the Pentecost feast. They
ministered to the body for another three and one half years in
Jerusalem. Several years later Jesus sent His Spirit to the other
nations. Then the twelve tribes realized that the Holy Spirit was
bringing gentiles into their nation. The Jews allowed it to be
declared publicly with new covenant water
Acts 10:47
CLV 47 Then Peter
answered, "There can not be anyone to forbid water, so that these
are not to be baptized, who obtained the holy spirit even as
All believers are citizens of Israel in the blood of
the anointed.
Ephesians 2:11-15
ALT 11 For this
reason, be remembering that you(p) at one time [were]the
Gentiles in [the] flesh, the ones called
Uncircumcision by the ones called
Circumcision, performed by human hands in the
flesh— 12 that
you(p) were at that time apart from [or, without] Christ,
having been separated from [or, a foreigner to] the
citizenship [fig., community] of Israel and strangers
to [fig., excluded from] the covenants of the promise,
having no hope [or, confident expectation] and without
God in the world. 13 But now,
in Christ Jesus, you(p), the ones at one time being far away,
became near by the blood of Christ. 14 For He is
our peace, the One having made them both one and
having broken down the dividing wall of the fence [fig., the
separation], 15 having
done away with [or, having annulled] the hostility in His
flesh, the law of the commandments in ordinances, so that from the
two He should create in Himself into one new
person [or, humanity], making peace,
The new humananity is the corporate body of Christ. It
was the new first century creation; completed before the old
covenant passed away in AD 70.
Ephesians 4:23-24
CLV 23 yet to be
rejuvenated in the spirit of your mind, 24 and to
put on the new humanity which, in accord with God, is being
created in righteousness and benignity of the
Yahwey's family has a Jewish foundation and head and
always will.
Ephesians 2:11-20
CLV 11 Wherefore,
remember that once you, the nations in flesh - who are termed
'Uncircumcision' by those termed 'Circumcision,' in flesh, made by
hands -" 12 that you
were, in that era, apart from Christ, being alienated from the
citizenship of Israel, and guests of the promise covenants, having
no expectation, and without God in the world." 13 Yet now,
in Christ Jesus, you, who once are far off, are become near by the
blood of Christ." 14 For He is
our Peace, Who makes both one, and razes the central wall of the
barrier" 15 (the
enmity in His flesh), nullifying the law of precepts in decrees,
that He should be creating the two, in Himself, into one new
humanity, making peace;" 16 and
should be reconciling both in one body to God through the cross,
killing the enmity in it." 17 And,
coming, He brings the evangel of peace to you, those afar, and
peace to those near, 18 for
through Him we both have had access, in one spirit, to the
Father." 19 Consequently,
then, no longer are you guests and sojourners, but are
fellow-citizens of the saints and belong to God's
family, 20 being
built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, the capstone
of the corner being Christ Jesus Himself,
The united body will never be divided. There can not be
a northern and southern body of Christ. There can not be a
circumcised and uncircumcised body of Christ.
Ephesians 2:22
CLV 22 in Whom
you, also, are being built together for God's dwelling
place, in spirit."
Glory to God in the church.
Ephesians 3:20-21
CLV 20 Now to
Him Who is able to do superexcessively above all that we are
requesting or apprehending, according to the power that is
operating in us, 21 to Him be
the glory in the ecclesia and in Christ Jesus for all the
generations of the eon of the eons! Amen!
Ephesians 3:21
KJV 21 Unto him
be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world
without end. Amen.
The letter to the Hebrews was written to the Hebrews of
course. The old covenant land holdouts were going to face the AD 70
fiery judgement.
Hebrews 10:1,2,9,16,19-23,26-30,37-39
KJV 1 For the law
having a shadow of good things to come, and not the very image of
the things, can never with those sacrifices which they offered year
by year continually make the comers thereunto
perfect. 2 For then
would they not have ceased to be offered? 9 Then said
he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first,
that he may establish the second. 16 This
is the covenant that I will make with them after
those days, saith the Lord, I will put my laws into
their hearts, and in their minds
will I write them; 19 Having
therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the
blood of Jesus, 20 By a new
and living way, which he hath consecrated for us,
through the veil, that is to say, his flesh; 21 And having
an high priest over the house of God; 22 Let
us draw near with a true heart in full assurance
of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil
conscience, and our bodies washed with pure
water. 23 Let
us hold fast the profession of
our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful
that promised;) 26 For if
we sin wilfully after that we
have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more
sacrifice for sins, 27 But a
certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation,
which shall devour the adversaries. 28 He that
despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three
witnesses: 29 Of how
much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who
hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood
of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and
hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace? 30 For
we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I
will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall
judge his people. 37 For yet a
little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not
tarry. 38 Now the
just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall
have no pleasure in him. 39 But
we are not of them who draw back unto perdition;
but of them that believe to the saving of the
The sin referred to
above was the sin of unbelief. The ones who 'missed their mark'
wilfully tried to keep their old covenant body even after 40 years
of new covenant knowledge. Yahwey put an end to their inadmissible
animal sacrifices.
Point and click on the small verse numbers for
other translations.