The original Passover type was a single event that began at midnight. It was not a meal or a twenty four hour day or a week long feast. It was typically a one time event that put to death the firstborn of Egypt in order to release from Egypt a firstborn nation called Israel. If the messenger of death entered your house that sleepless night you failed to prepare for the passing over.

Death was immenint for the firstborn because the ruler of the land would not set Yahweh's people free to worship. Yeshua became the fulfillment of the passover lamb type. He told Yahweh's people to apply His blood to their post and lintel, better known to us as the cross, and follow Him as the firstborn to the real promised land. Jesus came to set His people free from the oppressive law of the land of the old covenant. The One and only True Passover Lamb was nailed to a public post and lintel.  
John 4:20-24 LITV  Our fathers worshiped in this mountain, and you say that in Jerusalem is the place where it is necessary to worship. Jesus said to her, Woman, believe Me that an hour is coming when you will worship the Father neither in this mountain nor in Jerusalem. You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is of the Jews. But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. For the Father also seeks such ones that worship Him. God is a spirit, and the ones worshiping Him must worship in spirit and truth.

Who is the firstborn?

Adam was the firstborn son: Luke 3:38  LITV son of Enos, the son of Seth, the son of Adam, the son of God.

Israel was the firstborn nation: Exodus 4:22 and you shall say unto Pharaoh, Thus says Yahwey, My son, My first-born is Israel,  

Jesus is the firstborn son: Hebrews 1:6 CLV Now, whenever He may again be leading the Firstborn into the inhabited earth, He is saying: And worship Him, all the messengers of God!"

So Which firstborn will or will not die?

Adam - Jesus is called "the last Adam" because he completed the image of God in Adam and then put Adam to death.

Israel - Israel as a nation was still represented in the land by some descendants from Judah. Only part of three tribes from the 12 sons of Israel were living in the land during the second exodus. However, after putting the (last Adam) finalized firstborn man to death, Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to all 12 tribes gathered in Jerusalem on Pentecost, to raise them into His new covenant, before He sent the Romans to destroy the last of the firstborn Israel who refused to apply the blood of the Lamb. 

Jesus - Jesus fulfilled the image of God in the firstborn Adam because He was the promised seed; the first and only begotten son of God. He then died on the post and lintel in Jerusalem as He Himself a firstborn of an old covenant virgin shed the true blood of the Lamb. He was resurrected into a new creation as the incorruptible firstborn of the new covenant. 

After the resurrection, Yeshua sent the Holy Spirit and through Peter at Pentecost He called on all the corruptible firstborn from all 12 tribes to apply His blood to their post and lintel and follow Him out of the old covenant and into the new. When Jesus put the cursed firstborn to death, He also set the firstborn nation free to leave the old land. He applied His blood to His own post and lintel while He was dying, so the death could not hold him. The death angel of the typical or the antitypical passover will never come again. Yeshua put the first covenant man to death and called on others to join Him by personally putting their old humanity to death. 

Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone is willing to come after Me, let him renounce himself and pick up his post and follow Me."

Obviously the dead line for applying the blood of The Passover Lamb to the post and lintel was not midnight Nissan 15th this time around, as it was in the typical passover. The gospel call to apply the blood of The Lamb did not even go out until after the resurrection. So when was midnight of the fulfilled exodus? When was the deadline for those descendants of firstborn Israel to apply the blood of The Lamb for the real exodus of the nation from the land?

As a grace filled reversal of the old covenant curses, midnight of the second exodus occurred after the 40 years in the wilderness rather than at the beginning. Midnight of the true passover was a one time historical event that was extended all the way to AD 70. The messenger of death of either the typical or the antitypical passover will never come again. Those who chose to stay in 'Egypt' died as the firstborn Israel. They refused to apply the blood of the lamb prior to the antitypical midnight of the firstborn covenant nation.

Revelation 11:8 KJV And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.

So how do you get passed over by the death angel?
Nobody needs rescued from the old covenant today, but we do need rescued from the death of our body. When the 'messenger of death' comes around for your singular exodus from your firstborn body, you will probably want the angel of life to carry you to heaven. Only the spirit of Yahwey can give you the fulfilled life. You can be added to His covenant now by the spiritual operation of circumcising your heart, which to the Hebrew represented the mind. The bowels represented the emotions. After removing some flesh from your thought paradigm, Yahweh will re-raise you into the image of the perfect Father because His Son Yeshua shed His blood as the real Passover Lamb to restart the firstborn covenant. He now lives again as head of the made-new covenant in order to intercede for you and me. Theoretically the deadline to be born again may be your physical death, but why wait till the last second and enter heaven as a spiritual infant? Grow up!

The Passover Lamb who died on Nissan 14th is the now-living firstborn. The Son of God previously called "last Adam" took on the death and defeated the death of the firstborn son of God called "Adam". The old covenant was made better by raising Israel to a new spiritual life prior to inviting the rest of the world into the new-ized family. The reborn Jewish apostles kept the passover meal as the Lord's supper; the anniversary of the new betrothal. The good news; that an incorruptible Jewish man was put to death as the final passover lamb and yet He now heads up the new covenant, went to the twelve tribes first. Then those descendants of the sons of Israel took it to all the other nations. Resurrected from the imminent death of the firstborn, the firstborn of the new covenant will never die. Join His covenant and you will never die.

Romans 15:33 KJV Now the God of peace be with you all. Amen.